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Designerpresentasjon: Kosmos Project (Polen)

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Ewa Bochen and Maciej Jelski (Kosmos Project) er representert i utstillingen Det lokales logikk , og har kommet fra Warszawa til Trondheim for å holde workshops for studenter. De presenterer sine prosjekter for et allment publikum i museet tirsdag 9. mai kl. 13

Fra deres webside:
In philosophy, cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system, the opposite of chaos. Kosmos Project´s inspiration comes from observation of relationship between the civilized and the wild. The designers believe that this two separate worlds can coexists harmoniously. Their design approach is build on conviction that our environment determines our attitudes. From this point of view the way we create design objects is very important. Things that surround us have great impact on our behavior and relations. It doesn't only concern the physical part of our being, but also and maybe mainly the mental aspect. The designers strongly believe that modern design needs to focus on human spirituality as the way to break with dehumanized life. Each project is meticulously thought through, with great care and attention to concept, material, proportions.

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Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2