The Hannah Ryggen Triennale (HRT) is an exhibition cycle held in diverse venues in and around Trondheim, Norway, every third year. The triennial’s aim is to honour the weaver Hannah Ryggen (1894–1970), who created her works in rural Ørlandet and in Trondheim. In her own lifetime Ryggen gained international recognition for her political art, and her tapestries are still exhibited throughout the world. Each edition of HRT presents a selection of her works as well as contemporary crafts and visual arts that bear a relation to certain aspects of her artistic practice. In this way, HRT brings part of the international art scene to the place where Ryggen’s works were created and into dialogue with them – for the enrichment of the local public and our visiting guests alike.
HRT is organised by Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum (NKIM, the National Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Trondheim), which owns the largest collection of Hannah Ryggen’s tapestries. The triennial’s editions are developed in collaboration with other institutions and organisers from the local art scene who link themselves to the programme with thematically related exhibitions and events. We are delighted over the prospect of working with the Trondheim art scene as we organise the 2025 edition of the Hannah Ryggen Triennale, under the title MATER.
For inquiries regarding Hannah Ryggen Triennale, please contact: