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Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum's three-part triennale exhibition

GRÅMØLNA / Anti-monument I / 25 March - 14 August
HANNAH RYGGEN CENTRE / Anti-monument II / 26 March - 14 August
AUSTRÅTT MANOR / Anti-monument III / 21 May - 14 August

Artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Marit Helen Akslen, Marsil Andjelov Al-Mahamid, Jennie Hagevik Bringaker, Jonas Dahlberg, Anne-Karin Furunes, Matilde Westavik Gaustad, Arthur Jafa, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Veslemøy Lilleengen, Marthe Minde, Per Kristian Nygård, Frida Orupabo, Threads of Innovation, Anusheh Zia - and Hannah Ryggen

Curator: Solveig Lønmo

What lies in between the threads of a tapestry that has accidentally become a memorial, with the trauma of a terrorist attack encapsulated in a textile scar? Did we ever live on a star, as Hannah Ryggen envisioned in her largest tapestry ever, a monumental yet pliable and vulnerable utterance of compassion? What is a hero; what is a nation, and how can we be pushed to look in new directions to shape a less conform and authoritarian future? The multi-part main triennial exhibition Anti-Monument explores the void, the statement that dares to wonder, the anonymous individual, the celebration of the personal and the metaphorical loss.

Visit the triennale exhibition "Anti-monument" on its three venues

Please note that the exhibition periods vary - and that part I is in Trondheim, while II and III are in Ørland, a boat ride away from the city (1 hr).

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2