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Designer presentation: Dominik Lisik (Poland / UK)

Thursday 11 May at 6 p. m.

Lisik's Zydel chair, on view in "The logic of the local", is a contemporary reinterpretation of a seat from the Polish highlands. The design not only makes a reference to this traditional form of Zakopane furniture, but also reinterprets its function. The author wished to create a new alternative to municipal benches and plastic chairs of the kind one finds in café gardens. And although he accomplished a far-reaching reformulation of a traditional design, giving it an unexpected geometrical form and creating what could be described as “a variation on a theme”, we are left in no doubt as to the source of the inspiration.

Dominik Lisik studied at the Faculty of Industrial Design as well as that of Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. He also studied Architecture at the AA School of Architecture in London. Besides designing, he is an architecture and design critic.

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Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
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