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19 counties (2016) by Stian Korntved Ruud Stian Korntved Ruud
The exhibition The Logic of the Local investigates how local elements make their mark on Polish and Norwegian design. In both countries, the contemporary scene is influenced by a pride in the process and respect for the materials. The handmade meets the mass-produced – but the two might intersect through a common foundation in local folk art.
What is the type of logic that applies to designers focussing on the local as a philosophy? This topic is so close to us, it needs to be explained and analysed in order for us to see it clearly – and at the same time, we get the chance to display good, recent design from Poland and Norway.
The exhibition will be on display at the International Cultural Centre, Krakow 16/12/16 – 26/03/17, and at Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim 06/04/17 – 04/06/17.
The Adam Mickiewicz Institute kindly supports the mediation and event programme, and Trondheim kommune supports the opening ceremony.
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Events in English - as part of the exhibition
Events in Polish - as part of the exhibition. Odwiedź wystawę z polskim przewodnikiem!
The exhibition displays 70 design projects from Poland and Norway
...and here are some of them
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Witamina D, Stolek 1/2 Witamina D - 2/12
Kristine Bjaadal, Sfera, 2016. Ash and larvikite Lasse Fløde - 3/12
Green lamp av Siesta Kuba Bereza - 4/12
Nordic Grip Wets av Permafrost Johan Holmquist - 5/12
Amy Hunting, Blockshelf Trine Stephensen - 6/12
Teppet Wycinanka av Agnieszka Czop Agnieszka Czop - 7/12
Ring made of coal in the series Hochglance by bro.Kat bro.Kat - 8/12
Stone by Fivetimesone Miroslaw Poplawski - 9/12
Sptzbrgn, Bunadslips (Øst-Telemark Rød) SPTZBRGN - 10/12
Florama by Florabo Filip Dabrowski - 11/12
Kristine Five Melvær, Naturpledd for Røros Tweed Erik Five Gunnerud - 12/12
Story by Vibeke Skar and Ida Noemi Kaja Bruskeland