"Situations/Situasjoner" is a durational artwork made by Edvine Larssen specifically for Nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum. This artwork only allows to be experienced by two participants at the time, through booking in advance.
NB! Situations/Situasjoner starts on time! Latecomers will not be able to enter this work. Please show your ticket at the front desk of the museum at least 5 minutes before your booked slot.
At the opening of Situations/Situasjoner 02.12.17 at 2 pm. the brand new catalogue Theatrical, but not theatre. Architectonic, but not architecture. Sculptural, but not sculpture will be launched. This catalogue documents the five artworks made as part of Edvine Larssens artistic research project.
As an artist, Edvine Larssen works in the gaps between various existing fields, and her works are often bound to spaces considered by most artists as ”non-spaces”. In the last artistic part of her research fellowship, she invites the viewers into museum situations located between the permanent and the unforeseen.
During the last four years Edvine Larssen has been working with an investigation into the Japanese concept [Ma] in relation to art practice(s). The concept, in brief terms, deals with various layers of meanings related to space and time. In her artistic research project, participation is also relevant, related to how we experience and sense in the meeting with specific sites and durations.
Situations/Situasjoner is the final part of Edvine Larssens research project in the Norwegian programme for artistic research (PKU) at KIT Trondheim Art academy, NTNU.
Larssen, in relation to site-bound art practices, has been researching the Japanese concept of [Ma], a concept she defines to deal with an enmeshed understanding of time and space, as well as timing and spacing, in multiple layers. It considers the importance of the interstice, the unfilled, silent or empty, different states of being in-between or in tension. [Ma] describes something that reaches beyond language, also as sensory or felt experience, in and through time and space, in both mind and body. [Ma] is a concept shaped by language, that tries to avoid language.
In her research, Larssen has used qualitative methods, out of which a series of 16 categories has arisen that are operating as surrounding fields to the concept of [Ma]. These categories have informed as well as fuelled the process of making five artworks bound to disparate spaces, and to various durations. Time as well as space, are part of the material components shaping these artworks. Situations/Situasjoner is the sixth and final artwork.
For more info about the artist: http://edvinelarssen.com/