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Maker in Residence

Croatian Igor Brkic works in the museum's collection August 19th - 29th.

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Museene i Sør-Trøndelag is part of the EU project Creative Museum, and one of the project's goals is the development of new partnerships between makers and museums. Creative Museum, in cooperation with six partner institutions in Norway, Finland, The UK, France, Croatia, and Ireland, har selected six makers, and Croatian Igor Brkic will Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum's visiting maker for 11 days in August. Brkic will be given broad license to express himself creatively through his own practice, in conversation with the inspiration of the museum's collection, themes, physical space, visitorship, and expert staff.

Brkic's stay coincides with Trondheim Maker Faire, 26th - 27th of August. Come and check out what Igor is doing in the mobile maker space placed in front of the museum in his whole period! He is planning to manipulate one of the museum's iconic chairs (Laminette by Svein Ivar Dysthe, 1967) and produce small synthesizers.... 

Sunday 27th of August, Igor Brkic will be presenting his project Dancing Laminette for our museum visitors. In the museum's opening hours, 12 pm - 4 pm, he (and the chair) will be happy to meet the audience.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2