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When the Bell Rang

Nordenfjeldske Transit visits Mosvik museum
26 May - 30 August 2022

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It’s not so easy to keep track of time. The ringing of bells and clocks is something we as members of society must learn to heed. Clocks were invented in the 1200s, but we don’t know exactly when or where. Before many people started using them, they were seen as luxury items. The pocket watches you see here are also like jewellery. The small mechanical objects are designed with both technical and aesthetic precision.

These objects are part of Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum’s clock collection. Here where they’re displayed like ‘pearls on a string’, they enjoy a vacation-like existence because there’s no demand for precision placed on them. They’ve stopped at each their own point in time – the one contradicting the other. That’s of course perfectly fine when it’s Saturday or summer vacation, and you can take time for a museum visit. Just now there’s no deadline you must meet.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2